We just celebrated my ever-green mum's birthday in Anjappar's, Bangsar. She was too sick and tired to have chinese and western food, she really wanted to opt out for indian food. The food was not to our expectation. Maybe i was having too high hopes on this place that's why i got disappointed.
Just the other day, i just realized what a gem of a person she is. Its a normal story for everybody but for a mum who has a daughter who seem to be confused about marriage is quite big. I mean any mum in their right mum would want their princesses to be married off to a prince charming of course hence my mum is no different. Being tall for an asian plus being an indian female doesnt help coz u are being scrutinized by your community on what the heck is wrong with girl.....but as the saying goes, i dont live for ppl so ppl its my life when i settle down. What struck a code with me is she is a very open minded lady and she would only go for a certain decision if it pleases me and not to please anybody else. She kept my happiness as an importance.
She was telling me about Walter's kids greeting her and she congratulating them coz they are going to be married soon. And then Jane came over. Mummy told me her face was as black as ever coz Slyvia isnt hitched yet. There is a saying that goes, the more impatient you are, the more your patience will be tested. Anyway, from introducing a guy to Slyvia, i concluded she and the mum is quite choosy. That sort of confused me as who is getting married here, helloooooooo !!!!!!
Anyway coming back to the story, i am back tracking alot here.
Jane looked at mummy with teary eyes and asked when is it going to be our turn. For us dont seem to be coming. And mummy told her we jus have to have faith and alot of patience. There will be somebody for them.
I was quite impressed with her actually. Knowing majority indian mothers would have caused a scene coz their daughters aint married yet. But not mine. I am so proud of you, Mummy and i love you alot.
There was another time when her sentence struck a code with me. It was like lightning. Again it might sound like a normal sentence to everybody.Once i was going through a rough time during a relationship, i was very confused with the things happening around me. She said, God created you and i am very sure he created a life partner for you. What amazed me was the 100% confidence she had when she said that sentence. The best best part i didnt tell her what was bothering me. She jus saw my face and in an instant she knew. Or my facial expressions again played me out. Seriously i cant hide my emotions.
Truly mothers are amazing. You think they dont know you, trust me when i say you are wrong.
They know every inch of you.