

December 14, 2009

No Pain No Gain

Saw this forwarded mail in my inbox. I know the presentation shows alot of crosses. But with an open mind, if you carefully scrutinize the meaning to this whole article, the crosses represents the burdens in your life. The weight you carry everyday on your tiny shoulders.

There is just one way of facing sorrows...going through them, God will never give you more than you can take. Therefore, carry your cross and rejoice on your reward. Let us learn to carry our crosses without complaints and lets just ask God strength and widsom to go ahead and obtain our victories. Though its hard not to complain to the injustice you get and see everyday.

Which ever is your cross, which ever is your pain, there will always be sun after the rain...Maybe you will stumble till you fall; but God will never give you more than you can take...God will always send a rainbow after the rain!!!

Let's find our rainbow in 2010. It will definitely be an excellent year for each and everyone of us.

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