

January 6, 2010

Its a new year, 2010

Apparently 2010 happens to be the year of a Tiger.
Looks like the year is going to roarrrrrrrrrrr for everyone out there.
I was thinking about what was my new year resolution was gonna be like.

I never kept to my saving resolution as much as i could for the year of 2009.
Its always a binge / splurge shopping. How to save like that when you are surrounded with so many beautiful things u SUDDENLY need at that spur of the moment.

I have never kept to my dieting resolution. Come on, how can i just eat salad or yucky plain oats. Or just drink supplementary drinks to replace REAL FOOD. How am i going to just stare at Kuay Teow Goreng, Satay and so on in the face and walk away? My god, that's like multiplying my determination a million times. Oh maybe, its God's way of telling me "Caroline you will always look good being meaty."
Come on, everybody is into slimming these days which is so ordinary. I shall think about being healthy.

So here's my resolution for 2010.:

1. Its going to be as simple as "Hope for the best in every aspect of my life and in any situation that i am put at".

2. Go with the flow.

3. If people are nice to you, be nice to them back. Its simple as that. I hope some numbskulls in my office reads this especially one particular short one. Maybe she should out this as her resolution this year. Be nice to people. Not only men.

4. If people are nasty, treat them the same way they do to you. Its not worth being nice to the nasty ones. A waste of my own niceness ;o) These sort of ppl can go ahead and puke on their puke and swallow the same very puke back. Hmmmmm , i do sound wicked, me likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyy he he he :o)

5. As much as possible eat healthy stuff. Loads and loads of vegetables

6. I have to finish my Evening Primrose capsules.

7. Cutting down my rice intake completely and sugar for good.

8. Shop only for necessary items.

9. Always believe good things will happen to me. Come on, if good things can happen to the nasty ones, what more to a nice sweet person like meeeeeeeeeeee :o)
10. Always see the glass full.

I am very happy listing out my this year's resolution as its abit more realistic.

Cheers to 2010 :o)

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