

November 15, 2010

Priceless Moments Part 1

When your jaws and cheeks ache from too much laughing.
Realizing you can do something you didn't know you could.
An unexpected compliment from an unlikely someone.

When that meeting or event you didn’t want to attend suddenly gets canceled at the last minute.
The good pain of stretching your legs after sitting down for a long time.
Seeing a room lit up by the soft glow of Christmas lights.

Receiving a surprise hug from behind by someone you were looking forward to seeing.
Hitting all green lights while driving when you are in a rush.
Randomly catching a glimpse of your reflection in a window or mirror and liking what you see.

The feeling you get once you have decided to make a change in your life, and have actually made decent progress in doing so.
Walking around your house and admiring your work right after you finish cleaning it up.
When a stranger tells you you're pretty.

Having heart-to-heart talks with your mother.
The moment when you crawl into bed after a long, tiring day.
Cracking up so much while you're trying to tell a funny story that you can't even speak, and everyone else can't help but laugh along with you even though they haven't got a clue what you're laughing about.

Seeing someone smile in their sleep.
Hearing someone sing cheerfully to themselves.
Hearing a song that seems to be written about exactly what's going on in your life right now.

Spending two minutes on hair and makeup that looks like it took you hours.
When you receive more than you expected. Like money, food, love, etc.
Mothers who know just the right thing to say.

When the thing you need to buy just happens to be on sale.
Seeing the whole arch of a huge rainbow.
When a child laughs.

Knowing deep down that you made a difference in someone's life.
A big hug from a good friend.
Thinking about someone and then seeing them randomly.

Accidentally overhearing someone say nice things about you.
That weightless feeling you get after a good cry and knowing you'll be ok.
Checking someone out and almost getting busted, but not getting busted.

Waking up to the smell of a home cooked meal. You were still asleep, but someone special knew you’d be hungry soon.
When a little kid or baby let's out a big adult-sounding burp by accident.
Watching a dog or cat chase it's tail.

Getting something cool (and unexpected) for free.
When you finally yawn after an airplane flight and your ears pop back to normal.
When someone comes back and thanks you because they truly loved something you encouraged them to do.

The contagious effect of other people laughing hysterically.
When you accidentally say something that rhymes.
Friendly neighbors who wave to you when you drive by.

Turning the page of a calendar and seeing a month full of things you have been looking forward to.
The warm coziness of your own bed after returning home from a long trip.

The best things always comes in small packages.

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