

September 14, 2010

Excerpt taken from Blessed With Bliss By Irwan Abdul Rahman

I never fail to read this guy's articles whenever it comes out and I really the way this guy writes.
Well he writes for The Malay Mail. In my opinion, all his articles are well written. The next time, you get a hold of The Malay Mail, check him out. Seriously, he has got this very cute boyish smile ;) Ok, i might be bias here as well, maybe I am reading his articles because of his smile ;)

It’s like life itself. When times are hard and life is tough, most of us think of God and ask Him either for help or the strength to endure. We feel small, humbled by His powers over us and how weak we are.

But when we’re blessed with good fortune and life is good, we tend to get caught up in the bliss and happiness. We forget to be grateful, fail to appreciate His blessings and conveniently ignore the needs of those less fortunate.

Ever wondered why orphans really look forward to Ramadan? It’s the only time most people remember them.

So the true test in life is when things are good and you’ve got everything you need. When you’re blessed with great wealth, the test is, what do you do with that wealth? Do you splurge on needless things, horde your belongings or do you give back to society and share your good fortune with your fellow man?

When you’re blessed with good health, what do you do with your healthy body? Do you maintain that good health by living healthily, or do you abuse that body with unhealthy or dangerous substances and bad food, thinking that coronary heart problems, diabetes, cancer and all the other lifestyle-related disease “will never happen to you”?

When you’re blessed with love, whether it’s your partner, family or friends, do you return the love by maintaining the relationship, reminding them often how much you love them, or do you take them for granted, figuring that “they know” – or worse still – do stupid things that risk losing their love and destroying their relationship?

Most people who cheat on their spouses (and families) still love them and can’t imagine life without them. They only remember when they’re caught, when it’s too late.

We only remember to drive slowly and carefully when we’re either caught by the cops or after we get into an accident.

We only remember to watch what we say when we’ve said too much.

We only remember to live healthily when our doctors tell us our hearts can no longer take the abuse.

We only remember to appreciate our wealth and happiness when we lose it.

The article ends by when in bliss, count your blessings.

For those who find this entry interesting, you can read his whole article here.: http://www.mmail.com.my/content/48848-uncommon-sense-blessed-bliss

For those who are interested in reading his stuff, you can always drop by his blog.: http://nose4news.wordpress.com/

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